Do you want to ensure your company is back the same day? Add this product to your basket along with a formation package and we will push your company to Companies House's priority queue. Companies that select this service will be reviewed by Companies House in front of other applications.
We do not assure that your company is approved and your application is still subject to the checks and procedures at Companies House before approval. For further peice of mind, you may want to add our phone service and the knowledge of our formations experts to fill in the application for you to minimise mistakes and rejections from Companies House.
The Same Day service does depend on the volume of applications with Companies House and in some cases demand is high, meaning that this service is not always forfilled. Should this happen, you are of course entitled to a full refund for the price of this service. Please call our customer service team on 0845 880 8180 if a refund is required.
This service is not available after 2pm Monday – Friday or at weekends due to Companies House opening times.